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18 English Language Techniques

Some of the prime techniques in English Language are:

1. Alliteration

Alliteration is repeating the same sounding consonant at the start of the words. For example: the palatable pastry is produced by the persons with pony tails. Here you can notify that each word starts with ‘P’. These are maintained for literary values of writings.

2. Assonance

It the vowel sounds is repeated, we call it assonance. While he was sleeping, I was meeting. Here look at the vowel sound of the ‘ee’. It is so much used in the rhyme and poems.

3. Colloquial

The form of language we use our daily life like ‘wanna’, ‘chill out’ and ‘we cool’ or ‘bro’. These are generally used in the informal conversation. Be aware that it is not used in the formal language or business letters.

4. Dialect

The form of language used by people of a particular area is dialect. For Australian, they use ‘crook’ as to refer the illness, and the scout have noted ‘ya’ to say you.

5. Dialogue

Conversation between two people is referred as dialogue. Sometimes a conversation is imagined between the speaker and the reader. This is significant in drama and can demonstrate conflict through a series of speeches and challenges, or closeness where characters reflect the content and way of each other’s speech. It can also be got in the conversational type of a poem.

6. Emotive language

Emotive language is used to express the emotion through the statements. For instance, ‘Have it, you will feel less pain’ or ‘I am glad, you come’. It is generally used to create empathy in the mind of the readers. Empathy means to get the feeling of your mind across other’s minds.

7. Dissonance

It is the combinations of sounds with an alternative expression like clash, spew and slow proceedings against the quay.

8. Enjambment

It is a tool carry the continuance in the poems. The contingencyis carried one after one line or verse through the enjambment. Actually, this is used to carry the continuance of from one stanza to another.

9. Hyperbole

The term hyperbole means the exaggerating any statement for the literally purposes. Every now and then the hyperbole of the literacy is found like- ‘Her beauty which was bestowed to her by the creator was like a river full to the bank in full rainy season’.

10. Irony

The expression of being humorist in the literature is denoted as the ‘Irony’. It is very important to enchant the reader for a long time. Even in very sad plot of any writing needs to be at least of some irony.

11. Metaphor

To show the resemblance to somethingfigurative- not actual or literal, we use metaphors. For instance, ‘The boy twitted’. Here the boy was talking in a pleasant way that it seems to write that the boy was like twitter.

12. Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is a term that replicates or suggests the cause of the sound that it explains. It is widespread with animal sounds but the sounds from the other sources are also trying to illustrate. For the sound clashing steels are referred as clanking. In a sentence they might be written- ‘There was always thumping of moving the chairs on the floors’.

13. Monologue

Monologue shows off the thinking about the importance of a character in the thought. Monologue may be in verbal communicative form, delivered in front of other characters and having great thematic significance, or as a soliloquy where we observe the character laying bare their soul and thinking out loud.

14. Oxymoron

Oxymoron means the unassociated words are negated together like the word- soft-hard, harshly-meek. These are found to show the extremity of any expression of any thought.

15. Pathos

The words show the pity or the sorrow. These are so frequent.

16. Personification

Personification means attributing a human nature of a thing or idea. The tree was an old chap standing and observing how the days and people come and go by.

Simile means a phrase which sets up similarity between two things to highlight the point being made. This typically involves the words ‘like’ and ‘as’; he was as fast as bullet or her eyes were like a deer.

17. Symbolism

The colors, objects and sound of different things work as a symbol. They can every so often give us a good sight into the ideas. So, snakes are often regarded as the symbols of temptation in the tales of Adam and Eve, white generallysymbolizespurity and a ringing bell can be a symbol for imminentdisaster.

18. Tone

The tone of the writer expresses the sadness, gloom, joy, pleasure, ecstasy, anxiety, dissatisfaction, regret, anger or celebration. Different approaches express different moods of the writer. The usage of perfect tone can make the presentation of the writing more successful. The great writers have the efficiency over the usage of the tone. It makes the writing really enjoyable. J.K Rowling’s name comes in front when we think of the tones in literature.


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